Sunday, September 5, 2010

We all have bad days :( >:[

Wish life was easy.
What a joke, can't believe I said that out loud.
Life isn't easy.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?
It makes you stronger but I feel like I've been fighting so much until I don't feel the push now but more of the fatigue that comes when you use your own strength.

I like working at shop fronts.
It gives me a chance to interact with people and making them smile if I know I've met their needs. It keeps me busy with things and I get to make choc and all that shizz and eating it and getting sugar rush here and there. But at the end of the day you're just tired and then you head home on a crowded bus and then you rush home to make sure the side gates don't close and reach home to feel the warmth and eat your dinner. And just when you start to unwind, mom comes at you and does not stop railing you to do this do that clean up your clothes and yes I know I deserve it because my room is a huge mess but not today. Please, just not today.
I'm tired, I feel like I could keep sleeping on and on for days.
Not die, silly.
Just sleep for a really long time. Where maybe I'll get a chance to dream a sweet dream.
A dream where people needn't shout at people when they have perfectly reasonable hearing of each other. Shouting just makes everyone tense up, don't you see?
Maybe God will even give me a prince charming by the end when I wake.

Don't see this as a sad or emo post. I'm just talking here.. yes, perhaps ranting it a bit.
I guess when I'm tired it's so easy to feel down because that's when you let your guard down and every little act or word gets right to the core of your being.

This song cheers me up somewhat though, when I'm feeling blue.
A mixture of the guitar and his deep voice and the words.
Hope it'll lighten up the mood of this 'dark and brooding' blog post hahaha

"She's seen her share of devils in this angel town
And everything's gonna be alright

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