Thursday, November 18, 2010

Something about love...

How long does it take for you to fall in love?

Some people swear that it's a gradual process of finding out about someone and growing fonder and somewhere along the line, chemistry comes into play.
Yet some scientist insists that it only takes 1 fifth of a second to fall in love! (And we all thought we were deeper than that)

Well I'm not sure about the falling in love part yet and shall not pretend to be an expert, lest you waste time reading my blogpost thinking I might provide you answers to love.

One thing though, that I've discovered is something so shockingly simple and honest and quite common-sensical (did you realize that if you're using those dictionaries online that correct you as you type, the moment you put a '-' in the middle of a made-up word like commonsensical, it becomes a normal word! Oh wait, is there such a word as commonsensical in the first place? I thought I just made that up. *shrugs*) about a truth fact moral base of any starting relationships and all that woo-ha:

Being in a relationship won't make you any happier if you weren't happy to begin with.

Happiness begins from within and yes, being in relationships might give you a temporary high but if you were sad to begin with, being in a relationship is not really going to help after a while. Because then you will start relying on the person in the relationship to make you happy and all sorts of expectations will arise and come on, we're but humans and not perfect and so, disappointment might come and then stormy seas and rocky road for the relationship and you get all angry.

When this revelation came to me, I was so caught off-guard, I just sat there. Then I went nodding my head and going 'hmmmmm' because people tend to think oh if only I'm with this person or that person or in a relationship and then I will finally be happy but no, you gotta be happy with yourself and your life first before the relationship begins!

Now go out there with this nugget of wisdom and love yourself and love your partner and be truly happy :)

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