Friday, August 24, 2012

Leather, lace and everything nice.

My faux leather vest is wilting away. :(
Time to buy a new one? Hohoho.

But even in this weather, I was perspiring like mad because of this vest. Singapore weather is hot like whoooo. But at least now that I've been through one of the toughest heatwaves, going to other countries' summer will be like a breeze~
Super excited to go overseas, even if its just a 7 weeks study trip, but carpe that diem and make the most out of it!
Travelling is as addictive as shopping.
Now I'm planning what to do with my salary (yes, before I even graduate) (yes, before I even start working full-time again)
Lol. I've always wondered what it would be like to just travel around like a nomad. But I don't think I can ever do that cos I'll be running home after 3 months. No place like home.
Still planning to go to Greece, New Zealand and hopefully New York for some project to improve my skills and then South Africa for humanitarian works and swim with the whale sharks!

I'll be the biggest customer in my own travel company hahaha.

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