Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Close my eyes,

I'm in a dimly-lighted room.
The place is chilly, like cold breeze blowing into your very bones.
Closed doors greet my vision.
I've been lying on the bed for so long.. Too long.
Dry stale air hangs just above my reach.
It's getting harder to breathe.
Can one be dead but alive at the same time?

I stopped breathing for a while.
But I must breathe.
The first step is always the hardest to take.
Open my mouth and nothing comes out.
It goes on for awhile.
I almost feel like giving up.
Maybe it's easier to lie down and just waste my time away on bed.

Until suddenly little air pockets of words of unknown language are uttered out.
What a beautiful sound.
Inhale, exhale.
Breathe in, breathe out.
I'm breathing again.
My weariness leaves me and I spring up from the dusty bed.
Was this how Lazarus felt when he was awoken by Jesus from death?

The room is slowly warming up.
Light floods in,
bringing revelation, truth and joy.

The doors that were once locked are now open.
One at a time.
Keep breathing
Keep praying.

Carol said that prayer is like breathing for the spirit. Without breathing, you will die.
It was scary I don't ever wanna go back there but it will take discipline and time and effort, are you ready?

Let's go, my Helper&Friend :)

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