Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Passion shows

Can I give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes pass to see how this animation was done?

First up: Planning is super important, because it starts the timeline and work flow proper. 
Fail to plan and you plan to fail. So true. (Good thing Josh was really detailed in the planning!)
Josh met Din and myself to discuss the storyboard and well, ideas just flowed out naturally and we got what we had today: A video about dreams. Dream to dream. Dream within a dream? Inception! 
Haha okay more like Din-ception. (Get it?)

Din, the super illustrator, sketched out all the works at lightning speed. It was an enormous pressure on him because his drawings will make or break the video (since this is a purely-animation video). I blinked only once and I heard he's done with colouring it. Now that's what I call talent!
Josh then painstakingly cut out the drawings bit by bit, layer by layer. He also sourced for the music and did the layout of the various scenes. As he is the creative director of this video, it was important to have the same  vision so the video will really bring across the message in our hearts accurately. 
Thank God we flowed well and could understand whatever picture we were trying to paint out! 

So I got the files and started animating them. This is the part I dozed off during my work, danced at night and stuck matchsticks around my eyes to keep them open while I animated the video through the night. Rendering, playing with particles, guessing the music timing- my days and nights blurred together. I won't tell you how many hours of sleep I got in total that week of the camp (though you can count on one hand) but because it was a God inspired project, I found the strength and motivation to finish it. 

Truly, when God gives a vision, He will provide the provision and grace you will need to see you through.
Honestly, I would have just crashed and gave up halfway if it weren't for the fire burning in my heart.

I'm so blessed to have this opportunity to be a part of the limitless movement & sharing it with the church, because while I was doing this video, my dreams got revived.
 And that's how this video is able to inspire others to remember their dreams too. 
After all, you can only share what you have experienced for yourself. 

Thank you for taking time to read this and I hope that as you are watching the video, you will dare to go to the deepest part of your heart and pull out that buried dream once more. 
If God has given you a vision, He will give you the provision.
If God is for you, who can be against you?
Take heart, there are no boundaries.
You can't be stopped.


1 comment:

Felicia said...

Hello Angela, thank you! Glad you like it :)