Monday, September 6, 2010

the weather's cold and the sky is dark and call me a cynic pessimistic dreamer but it's at times like this that make my mind go to the worst case scenario: zombies.
Yes, mean ever-hungry brain eating rotting zombies.
And I like to run ideas through my head if my estate was ever taken over by zombies and the alternate route of escape I can use to run out of clementi and to somewhere ulu like holland village and stay in the windmill building with food supply until the Umbrella cooperation and Alice kills the zombies off. (Resident Evil) and I might have some fun while surviving too (Zombieland) and plant sunflowers while using pea shooters to help defeat the zombies. (Plants VS Zombies)
Haha I like zombie related stories more than dracula and ghost movies maybe because I know I have a higher chance of surviving if the zombies ever come to my house.
I'll be ready with boogie traps for the zombies (haven't thought of what kind of traps yet) and when I'm too overwhelmed I'll jump out and sky dive out of my window into the swimming pool and escape to punggol. (haven't thought about how I'll sky dive out the window when my windows are grilled either)
Maybe I should have just ran away when I know zombies are coming instead of staying home with boogie traps. Hm.
So anyway today on my way home I saw a fence that was not completely touching the earth and I was thinking how if I needed to escape from zombies by this fence, I can dig and crawl out alive. Brilliant. I stored that thought in a file somewhere in my brain just in case I needed to escape from raving monsters.

Although that's quite scary if I become a zombie by eating some weird medicine doctors give people for testing and they have to quarantine me and my house then I will remember that I can dig and crawl through the fence and off I go!
Then I might go out for ice cream and have no idea why people are running away from where ever I walk to.. so I run with them hoping I don't get bitten by a horrible zombie! *shudder*
Wonder why the people running in front of me look behind and don't stop running.
I don't see any monster behind me but I just run with them. There is safety in numbers!

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