Saturday, January 21, 2012

Orange candles DIY

Here's a quick tutorial on how to make some orange candles!
I figured it'll be nice to set 'em up around the dining table as you have your reunion dinner.
Esp since now is the season where it's oranges everywhere and you get to do something different and beautiful with it too.
The best thing is that everything can be found at home, so you needn't spend more money unnecessarily (yay I'm becoming frugal!)
Here's a list of what you need:

-Olive oil (or any other essential/aroma theraphy oil will work too)

Step 1: Pick your orange. (Preferably the not-so nice ones, those you don't wanna give to your relatives and will prolly eat them at home over a series of 'the sing off')

Step 2: Using a knife, lightly cut an outline (about 1/3 of the orange, from bottom up).
The bottom of the orange is the smoother side, without the stem tip. You'd want to keep the stem tip side as it will be the bottom of the candle.

Step 3: Peel off the 1/3 orange skin you've just cut. It should look like this. Next, use a spoon to gently dig the orange out of the peel. Work around the sides of the orange to loosen it up and it should come out easily after that. Avoid scooping out from the middle as that's where your wick will be.

Step 4: Tadah! After scooping out the flesh, it should look something like this. That fiber thingy sticking out at the bottom (called a pith) will be your natural wick!

Step 5: Leave the orange skin to dry for a couple of hours (I left mine out for 4 hrs) as the pith has to be without moisture before it can light up as a wick. Here's when you go back into the kitchen and eat those yummy orange flesh that you've so lovingly dug out to pass the time.

Step 6: Take some olive oil or any essential oil you have (lavender.. etc.) This will act as the 'wax' of the candle.

Step 7: Slowly pour the oil into the orange peel until the pith is partially submerged in it. Pour the oil over the pith for a quick second and it's done!

And voila: your proud orange candle baby in all it's shining glory!

It will burn for 2-4 hrs, depending on your pith, but ain't nature so amazin'!
Hope you have fun making these and show them off to your relatives who are smart and sassy.
'What, you know how to do a complicated heart surgery?? Mmhm.. that's nice I guess. But bet you can't make an orange candle, can you? HA!'

So whenever someone compares you to their nerdy smart aleck son, just point to the orange candle and smirk. Your aunt might think you're extremely weird, or extremely genius. Let's hope for the best.

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